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Suite of Trumpet Voluntaries, A (in D) (c.1765) - klicken für größeres Bild
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Titel Suite of Trumpet Voluntaries, A (in D) (c.1765)
Artikel-Nr. 3196331
Kategorie Ensembles
Unterkategorie Trompeten mit Begleitung
Besetzung 2Trp (2 Trompeten in Bb); Org (Orgel)
Erscheinungsland Schweiz (ch)
Verlag * Felder mit einem Sternchen (*) sind nur für Vereinsmitglieder nach Anmeldung ersichtlichhier klicken
Verlags-Artikelnr. * Felder mit einem Sternchen (*) sind nur für Vereinsmitglieder nach Anmeldung ersichtlichhier klicken
Komponist Greene; Boyce
Schwierigkeitsgrad 4
Dauer 10:00
Zusatzinfo/Inhalt Maurice Greene (1695-1775) was England's most important church musician of the 18th century, holding the positions of organist at St. Paul's Cathedral (from 1718), organist and composer of the Chapel Royal (from 1727), professor of music at Cambridge (from 1730), and master of the King's Band of Music (from 1735).

William Boyce (c. 1710-1779), a pupil of Greene, was composer for the King's Chapel (from 1736), director of the Three Choirs Festival (from 1737), and his teacher's successor as master of the King's Band of Music (from 1755).
In 1760-62 he brought out the important publication Cathedral Music, prepared by Greene. Their trumpet voluntaries, together with those of John Stanley (see: John Stanley, Suite No.1 of Trumpet Voluntaries, published by The Brass Press), are among the latest examples of the genre and represent the culmination of virtuosity within it. While Stanley generally contents himself with stark echo effects, Boyce and Greene regularly introduce contrasting material in a middle section, set as a foil to the often marchlike character of the principal theme.

The original sources for this edition are as follows: First movement (Greene) - Ten Voluntarys for the Organ or Harpsichord Composed by Jr. Green (London, c. 1767). Second and third movements (Boyce) - Ten Voluntaries for the Organ or Harpsichord Composed by the Late Dr. William Boyce (London, 1785).
Edward H. Tarr

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